Dear Reader,


Many thanks for giving this web site your time, and, if you've had a chance to look at the book, Common Sense, many thanks for giving that your time as well! I wrote it as just some suggestions to discuss and consider on how to make our country even better. Researching and writing this book was a passion that took much of my spare time for five years. (Much to the consternation of my spouse!) That passion continues with trying to spread this book's message and encouraging others to do the same.


As many people tell me, there is perhaps too much hate, rage, and indifference in our country for us to come together as a nation in the way the book suggests. (And I see this all the time in my patients, when they tell me about the anger in their lives and their families.) However, for me, it was still important to write it.


Like me, if you recommend the book to others, you may find some people respond with defeatist pessimism or hurtful hostility, but pay them no mind. Arguing with them only feeds into their defeatism. Just nod your head and say, "You may be right," and recommend the book to someone else. If someone shows an interest in it, tell them what you think of it, or disagree with in it, and ask them for their thoughts and opinions too!


Also, please forgive my anonymity. The book should be about its message, not about me. And there's a tradition in American history of such books being anonymously penned. When Thomas Paine published his 1776 pamphlet, Common Sense; Addressed to the Inhabitants of America, on the Following Interesting Subjects, he signed it "by an Englishman."



an Oregonian physician


PS: If you google "Granny D," you'll learn the New Hampshirite died in 2010, at age 100. From age 88 to 90, she walked across America, over 3000 miles from the Rose Bowl Parade in Pasadena, CA to the Capitol Building in Washington, DC -- across deserts, over mountains, through blizzards -- for campaign finance reform.


It's never too late to be a true citizen, or, as she put it, "raise a little hell."



the book on facebook, "Common Sense Booklet"